St Gerard's Catholic Primary School
St Gerard's Catholic Primary School

This half term, we have been delighted to be able to invite parents to watch (and even take part in) sports day, for the first time in a very long time.

EYFS and Year 1 took part in a circus of activities that tested the children’s agility and speed. They climbed up, over and through obstacles on the assault course, tried their hardest not to smash their eggs, in the egg and spoon race, aimed at the target with a bean bag and finally took part in a ‘get dressed’ race, where they had to put on a jacket and helmet before racing back to the starting point. It was delightful to hear the cheers and praise coming from parents, grandparents and carers, supporting the youngest children in our school.

To allow all parents to attend, Year 2 and Key Stage 2 sports day was held on the field next to Greenwood Academy. In their house groups, children took part in races, javelin, speed bounce and even axe throwing, testing many of the skills they have been learning in PE lessons. With the help of fantastic sports leaders, from Greenwood, scores were counted up and St John Paul (yellow house) were named as overall winners. The scores were incredibly close and all children showed great sportsmanship throughout the event.

When all the children had finished, it was only fair to let the spectators have a go! We held a toddler race, a mom’s and carer’s race, a dad’s and carer’s race and to conclude a teacher’s race. Thank you to all who came to watch and to all those who participated in any way. A lovely day to celebrate the God-given talents of all those in the St Gerard’s family.