St Gerard's Catholic Primary School
St Gerard's Catholic Primary School

The School Council visited the Lord Mayor, Councillor Ken Wood, to talk to him about his role as the new Lord Mayor of Birmingham. School Council pupils had prepared many interesting questions in advance of our meeting. The Lord Mayor told us about his early life; and how he felt it was very important to help people in the local community. The Lord Mayor wishes to promote Birmingham and raise funds for charity during his time in this role.

The golden chain that he wears around his neck dates back to the first Lord Mayor in 1838. A gold plate was added every year with the name of the new Lord Mayor until the chain became too heavy, then it was decided to add the new names inside the a gold pendant. 

After our tour of the Council House, we visited the Central Library with the outdoor terrace giving us a wonderful view across our city. We finished our day with an ice-cream before we returned to school. 

“As a School Council member, we have had a busy and interesting year but visiting the Council House has been my favourite day.” – Ella-Rose